Watercolour on Synthetic Paper Level 1

Working with watercolour on synthetic paper is more of an experience than a lesson in painting. We will be working at a basic level of instruction, learning to manipulate the paint and water on a non-porous surface while finding our creative groove.

Working with this medium is a truly unique experience that sets aside all the rules of painting in watercolour. It forces the brain to think in a unique way about how to use these tools. We will work in 4 stages with each stage becoming progressively more challenging.

Colleen Gray is your very experienced instructor and has pioneered techniques and developed an understanding about how to paint with watercolour on a non-porous surface. This is a slow, meditative painting process that invites relaxation and thinking outside the box.

All materials are provided. You must have Level 1  before advancing to Level II. Level II will be offered this summer.
All work is spray-sealed at the end of the lessons and can be picked up the following week.